Rabu, 09 Maret 2011

Music without instrument… nah
Listen the music with your earphone is ussually done but this day i listen a new thing. During my day i always listen the music that support my activity, from the morning till my night sleep the music always on. Start from Jazz, rock, pop, local music like dangdut every of them crumbling into my mind and nothing left space without left them behind.
But this day when i open my earphone something strange happend…

The wind blowing from the tree to my ear bringing the new fresh of life
The sound of people and the bird tickling my ear and massage my head softly
The screaming of water fountain in a park whispering the gentle harmony to my soul
refreshing my body…
refreshing my heart…
recharging my soul…
recharging my intuition…
I call this day enlightment

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